Thursday, 10 February 2011

Film reviews

As personally being a fan of Guy Ritchie films. Due to enjoying 'Snatch' and "Lock stock and two smoking barrels' mostly, I was influenced to create a film of a similar mold, using those films as main inspiration as well as others. Here are links to film reviews and my own personal thought behind them.
Snatch is my personal favourite, it's combination of fast paced action with witty lines and standout characters make this very British, very London film a true delirium.
From this film I attained the idea of freeze shots and use of narration to introduce characters, I will also attempt to put some form of humour into it, but make it subtle as it is essentially a thriller and not a comedy. Also, it is difficult to write really funny lines and I do not want to derail too far from the fact it is a thriller.
Another Guy Ritchie great, Lock stock is also a Gangster comedy. It is a little more clearer than the frenetic Snatch, but no less entertaining. It is a very clever film that seems to achieve more than Snatch and seems much more believable, but Snatch just tops Lock Stock due to it's more exciting characters and frenzied storyline.
The story line influenced me more with my own film, because it has more clarity within the storyline and is easier to understand. The idea of owing money and having to pay it back to a powerful Gangster greatly interested me and can be shown within my own film.
Goodfellas is a very popular Gangster film and I felt it essential that I included it somewhere. Possibly Scorsese's finest hour. Despite this being an influence to any other Gangster film, I did not find it a great inspiration with my own film due to it being too American-Italian, it is much too formal and organized, where as I wanted to a derive a fast paced truly British film. The typical and perhaps cliched 'family' of an American Gangster film didn't interest me, as I prefer the rough and rawness of British films. Films like Goodfellas and The Godfather are too 'suit' for me, I wanted to recreate something with the idea of Leather Jackets and selling stolen goods to get by. However wanting to make a Gangster film, I felt like these films were too organised and too 'Gangster' for me. For me, I cannot associate the suit wearing, organised 'family' with a British style film.

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